Sunday, 23 November 2014

Using Nature to Inspire Mathematical Learning

In this invitation for learning, students took leaves that were collected from outside and practiced sorting.  They then built on their knowledge and began to learn about data management.  This learning opportunity went further than Ms. Chand and I expected and we were so proud of the students learning.  
Students were provided with a basket of leaves, some coloured paper, and sticky notes. Working together they decided to sort the leaves.

While sorting R. realized that there was a leaf that had many colours. “It reminds me of a rainbow” he announced. He decided the rainbow leaf needed its own pile. Using sticky notes the group labelled the piles of leaves which they sorted by colour.
This group of students gathered together the following day to organize their leaves in a different way. These students were introduced to graphing. At the bottom of the chart paper they placed their sticky note labels. C. suggested “don’t put the sticky notes too close or the leaves will go on top of each other”. Each student secured their leaves to the chart paper and created a line up of their coloured leaves. Once finished A.O. commented “Wow! That is a lot of red leaves. I wonder how many there are”. A.O. then proceeded to count the red leaves. O. suggested they count all the leaves and record the number for each colour on the sticky note. A.B. recounted each row of leaves to ensure the correct number was recorded.

While reflecting on their work the group was able to answer questions such as: How many green/yellow/rainbow leaves? Which colour has the most leaves? Which colour has the least amount of leaves?  R. was quick to assist a friend in understanding that least meant the “smallest amount”.